All day
Venue: Hilton Garden Inn Austin Downtown, Austin, TX
Program Coordinator: Melanie Mitchell, Professor, Computer Science, Portland State University; External Professor, Santa Fe Institute; author of Complexity: A Guided Tour, winner of Phi Beta Kappa Society's 2010 Book Award in Science.
Summary: This two-and-a-half day introductory course focuses on the science of networks: a new field that studies common principles of complex networks across disciplines. Social and economic networks, food webs, the World Wide Web, and the power grid are examples of the kinds of systems that network science seeks to understand. In this course, taught by prominent Santa Fe Institute faculty and associates, you will learn the basic concepts and tools of this new science, and see several case studies of their application in diverse areas. You will also have the opportunity for discussion with the faculty and other participants about applications within your own areas of interest. You will come away with an understanding and appreciation of the importance of network science for biology, ecology, economics, business, human health, social life, and other pursuits.
Additional information about the course, a detailed schedule, and logistics can be found on our wiki.
General: $1,200
We are pleased to offer five Business Network Member tuitions at a 50% discount off the current $1,200 fee. Network members will be responsible for their own meals and housing. Additional slots may be available at regular tuition cost. The five reduced-tuition slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis by return email to Casey Cox.