All day
Venue: The Bishop's Lodge, Santa Fe, NM
Summary: One can hardly read a newspaper, listen to a news broadcast, or open a web page without encountering the words "Big Data", often in gushing terms, and often accompanied by extreme claims. This symposium will explore the promise and the limitations of "Big Data" in science, technology, business, politics, and government. In particular, we will examine the importance of big data in light of the questions being asked and the theoretical context in which big data are analyzed and interpreted.
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Who Owns the Future?
October 31, 2013
Welcome and The Manifest Destiny of Big Data
November 1, 2013
From Genes to Stars: The Fourth Paradigm of Science
November 1, 2013
Big Data Need Big Algorithms
November 1, 2013
Big Data, from Galileo to Gödel
November 1, 2013
Open Source & The Big Data Revolution
November 1, 2013
Big Data Needs Big Theory; Paradigm 4.0 or Just 3.1?
November 1, 2013
Big Data, Reciprocity & Global Development
November 2, 2013
Augmented Intelligence: Designing a Human Interface to Big Data
November 2, 2013
Messy Data, Messy Theories
November 2, 2013
Dangerous Duo: When Big Brother and Big Data Come Together
November 2, 2013