JSMF-SFI Postdocs in Complexity Conference XI
The ‘Postdocs in Complexity Conference XI’ will be held at the Santa Fe Institute on October 2 - 4, 2023. It will bring together two sets of prestigious interdisciplinary researchers including 15 postdoctoral fellows based at SFI and 21 James S. McDonnell Foundation fellows who hail from academic institutions around the globe. In addition we will be welcoming complexity postdoctoral fellows from the University of Vermont, the University of Cincinnatti and Neukom Fellows from Dartmouth.
The bi-annual meeting provides networking and collaborative opportunities for early career researchers working on complex systems science.
This three-day conference will build on the themes of the previous ten Postdocs in Complexity’ meetings. The agenda will focus on building collaborative relationships through opportunities for discussion and brainstorming during research jams, science talks and social events. Postdocs will be sharing their progress on research projects from recent Micro Working Groups and have an opportunity to share their individual research ideas by giving flash talks. The group will learn how to communicate their science effectively to a general audience as well as learn new strategies for the job market both in the US and abroad. Speakers from SFI’s Faculty and postdoc alumni have been invited to talk about a variety of topics from collaborating across disciplines, undertaking risky research and time management. A field trip and social events will round out the events for the three days.
The Postdocs in Complexity conference is generously funded by the James S. McDonnell Foundation.