Jürgen Jost

External Professor

Study of Mathematics, Physics, Economics, and Philosophy, Bonn University, 1975-1980
PhD in Mathematics 1980
Postdocs and visiting positions at IAS Princeton, ANU Canberra, MSRI Berkeley, Harvard, ETH Zuerich, IHES Paris, SFI
Professor of Mathematics 1984-1996
Director, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, since 1996
Research in pure and applied mathematics, theoretical and statistical physics, mathematical and theoretical biology and neuroscience, economics and strategy science, history and philosophy of sciences

Interdisciplinary research perspective on complex systems    

More than  20 monographs (several with multiple editions) and ca. 500 scientific publications
About 50 PhD students  

Selected awards:
1993 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Award of the DFG (German Research Society)  (highest German research award)
2010 ERC Advanced Grant
Member of the German National Academy Leopoldina, of the Academy for Science and Literature (Mainz) and the Saxonian Academy of Science (Leipzig)

Primary Institution: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences

Role/Title: Director

Topics of Interest: AI/Machine Learning - Behavior - Biology - Economics - Evolution - History - Intelligence - Linguistics - Mathematics/Computer Science - Network Theory - Neuroscience - Physics - Psychology - Risk & Uncertainty - Science of Science - Social Science - Strategy/Decision Making - Philoshopy

Other Affiliations and Institutions: University of Leipzig, Honorary Professor

When and how you first got involved with SFI: Sabbatical visit 1999-2000