A new SFI-developed exhibit unveiled recently in the atrium of the NSF building in Arlington, VA, offers new theories about life’s origin by researchers at SFI.

The exhibit, opened Feb. 13, addresses the kinds and origins of molecules that participated in the genesis of life and the pathways that led from pre-biotic inorganic chemistry and geochemistry to the biochemistry of life some 3.8 billion years ago.

It is based largely on research by SFI Science Board Chair Emeritus Harold Morowitz, SFI Professor Eric Smith, and colleagues from ve collaborating institutions. The researchers represent astronomy, geology, geochemistry, bio- chemistry, genetics, and other fields.

The exhibit – which includes video demonstrations and an interactive, computer-based “origin of life” experiment – was produced for SFI by media arts students at New Mexico High- lands University through a partnership with the New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs.

For more information, www.nsf. gov/news/news_summ.jsp?cntn_ id=111125.