Symposium honors life and work of Harold Morowitz
Colleagues, friends, and family gather to remember the life and work of Harold Morowitz, and to keep moving his ideas forward.
The latest news and events at the Santa Fe Institute
Colleagues, friends, and family gather to remember the life and work of Harold Morowitz, and to keep moving his ideas forward.
SFI Maya Working Group meets for fifth time to produce a second book.
A June working group explored ways to model interactions between organisms and a public good, where both can diffuse in space.
Farley Ziegler, Tim Jenison, and SFI Professor Jessica Flack presented an SFI Community Lecture on painting and optics in the 17th Century and a screening of Tim's Vermeer at The Lensic Performing Arts Center on August 1.
The Santa Fe Institute is launching an InterPlanetary Project — the first project of its kind to combine celebration with experimentation, and conversation with analysis.
Actors presented select scenes from Marin Gazzaniga’s play exploring deeply held assumptions about religion and belief at The Lensic Performing Arts Center on May 9.
Michael Kearns presented an SFI Community Lecture on machine learning and social norms at The Lensic Performing Arts Center on April 4. Watch his talk here.
An SFI working group explores the interactions between pre-industrial humans and other species, and what those interactions might tell us about modern society.
Human settlements sprawl according to common factors, and modern cities show similar patterns to ancient ones, but hunter-gatherer encampments look much different. An SFI working group is trying to figure out why.
Some 30 researchers gather at SFI this week to discover how social networks influence wealth inequality.
During a January 24 talk in Santa Fe, neurobiologist Christof Koch presented a theory about which brains can experience consciousness and which cannot. Watch his talk here.
The Winter 2017 issue of SFI's quarterly newsletter is available online. Download it here.
Models from ecology may have some important things to teach us about politics, competition, and our modern-day social echo chambers.
Two sets of mathematically inclined, multidisciplinary postdocs convene at the Santa Fe Institute.
Working Group explores the suspiciously simple computer science question: Does P = NP?
Circuits aren't just for electronics; living circuits exist in the biological world as well.
This week at SFI, a multidisciplinary group of experts is gathered at SFI to work toward a quantitative science of how living things process energy and information to solve problems.
A new research program at SFI looks at laws as operating systems for human societies.
During an October 18 SFI Community Lecture in Santa Fe, mathematician Jordan Ellenberg explored how math can help us think about the seemingly uncertain matters that dominate our lives. Watch his talk here.
In two lectures, Seth Lloyd explores what happens when one system gains an advantage in collecting and processing information – an advantage he believes underlies all creation and destruction in our universe. Watch his lectures here.