Video: How domesticated humans evolved
During a recent SFI Community Lecture in Santa Fe, Annalee Newitz compared today's urbanization phenomenon to that of the Neolithic period, when humans first became "domesticated." Watch her talk here.
The latest news and events at the Santa Fe Institute
During a recent SFI Community Lecture in Santa Fe, Annalee Newitz compared today's urbanization phenomenon to that of the Neolithic period, when humans first became "domesticated." Watch her talk here.
Whooping cough is on the rise in the US, and the adoption of a new vaccine in the 1990s is part of the explanation. Two former SFI Omidyar Fellows propose a hybrid vaccination protocol they say could slash cases by 95 percent.
The author Laurence Gonzales has been named a Miller Scholar at the Santa Fe Institute for 2016. He will be in residence at the Institute periodically over the next 12 months.
On Tuesday evening, March 15, at The Lensic in Santa Fe, Gary Marcus offered a cognitive scientist's perspective on what programmers of artificial intelligence can still learn from human cognition.
SFI has selected Will Tracy as its new Vice President for Strategic Partnerships. Tracy will begin work May 11 on a part-time consulting basis and, beginning July 1, will join SFI full-time.
SFI's Luis Bettencourt contributed to a newly-released report that could inform policies to promote innovation in urban centers.
Young male bluebirds may gain an evolutionary advantage by delaying breeding and helping out their parents' nests instead, according to new research led by SFI's Caitlin Stern.
New research in Nature Scientific Reports explores the impact of hunter-gatherers on north Pacific marine food webs and the behaviors that helped preserve their network of food sources.
Authors of a free, interactive open-access economics textbook meet at SFI to discuss new ways to teach the subject as a complex, dynamical system.
SFI's David Pines has been named the recipient of the American Physical Society’s 2016 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize.
Science spotlights a new approach to identifying cells based on a recent working group at SFI.
SFI Professor Cristopher Moore is among 50 mathematical scientists to be elected to the 2016 class of fellows of the American Mathematical Society, the AMS announced today.
During a recent SFI Community Lecture in Santa Fe, psychologist and author Cordelia Fine looked to the science of gender to challenge society’s long-held, and possibly mistaken, beliefs about gender difference. Watch the lecture here.
SFI’s Learning Lab is offering a free online course to build the community of teachers who are offering rich computational thinking experiences through modeling and simulation.
Whether they are groups of ants, people, companies, or economies, social systems are intrinsically complex. Learn new ways to understand complex social systems during our next short course in Santa Fe.
The Santa Fe Institute’s Learning Lab has received a nearly $3 million National Science Foundation Award to develop and study a robust professional development program for middle school teachers.
Joseph Traub, a leading figure in developing the field of computational complexity, passed away Monday morning, August 24, in Santa Fe.
An article in Newsweek magazine features the recent, and unusual, Santa Fe Institute-Lannan Foundation event in Santa Fe during which art, music, math, and science collided.
John Holland, a pioneer in the study of complex adaptive systems and the leading figure in what became known as genetic algorithms, passed away Sunday morning, August 9, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
In interviews with Santa Fe-area reporters this month, new SFI President David Krakauer asks what the Institute's unique role in science should be and what questions the Institute might be asking.