SFI ranks among the world's top 'think tanks' for 2018
The Santa Fe Institute again has ranked among the world's top science and technology and transdisciplinary think tanks.
The latest news and events at the Santa Fe Institute
The Santa Fe Institute again has ranked among the world's top science and technology and transdisciplinary think tanks.
A study co-authored by SFI Omidyar Fellow Jacopo Grilli sheds new light on a long-standing question about what triggers cell division.
Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems synthesizes hundreds of disparate findings in complexity and articulates a single, underlying characteristic of complex systems.
October 13-16, graduate students can meet with leading scientists to learn about modeling and evaluating the future of human populations and their environments. Free tuition for accepted students. Apply before July 11, 2018.
SFI Director of Education Paul Hooper shares highlights of the 2018 summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program, Complex Systems Summer School, and the first-ever Alumni Fiesta.
"Algorithmic Information Dynamics: From Networks to Cells," is a new online course that will introduce students to tools that allow them to explore causal relationships in complex datasets. Register online through Complexity Explorer.
March 22-23, complex systems researchers will meet with business executives to discuss when and how diversity improves decision-making.
Calling all former SFI postdoctoral fellows, REUs, Summer School students, and faculty! We’re hosting a reunion, and we hope you can come. Register here.
A teacher, physicist, and all-around “high throughput” individual, SFI External Professor Alfred Hübler passed away Saturday, January 27, at the age of 60.
This December 4-5, SFI researchers are convening a workshop to discuss how to study figurative brains such as ant colonies, microbe ecosystems, and the immune system.
The first annual InterPlanetary Festival will draw space enthusiasts from around the world for a two-day celebration of human ingenuity June 7-8, 2018, in Santa Fe, NM.
Exploring the limits of scientific understanding is the query that will drive a three-day workshop at SFI, which itself aims to understand how well scientific and mathematical reasoning can comprehend complex systems.
In a new paper, SFI's Jessica Flack offers a practical answer to one of the most significant, and most confused questions in evolutionary biology — can higher levels of organization drive the behavior of lower-level components?
SFI researchers quantify the thermodynamic efficiency of a fundamental biological computation.
SFI's inaugural Complexity Challenge asked participants in SFI's education programs to apply their studies to an abstracted, real-world problem. Read more about the challenge and the winning solutions.
In a two-part lecture series in Santa Fe on September 25-26, economist John Geanakoplos explored why it is that out of all economic variables, debt causes the most trouble. Watch part one of his talk here and part two here.
The Santa Fe Institute is launching an InterPlanetary Project — the first project of its kind to combine celebration with experimentation, and conversation with analysis.
Sarah Laborde, a 2014 SFI Complex Systems Summer School alumna, recently helped host a CSSS-inspired workshop in N’Gaoundere, Cameroon.
During a ceremony Wednesday evening, May 4, the Santa Fe Institute awarded Melanie McKinley its Prize for Outstanding Teacher, and recognized 13 Santa Fe-area high school seniors for scientific excellence.
Simon DeDeo's new tutorial introduces learners to renormalization — a method for blurring small details in order to capture meaningful features of complex systems.